Parish Staff


Fr. Juan Carlos Ruiz, O.F.M.

Parish Secretary/Office Manager:

Regina Walker

Pastoral Council:

Nikki Probst (President)

Jeremy Pruemer, Jake Donsbach, Scott Blackwell

Ken Meinhart, Beth Brummer. Amy, Mette, 

Christine Niemerg, Kevin Lidy

Finance Council/Trustees:

Lee & Angie Beckman, Steve Hunzinger, Pam Apke

Keith Kuhl, Steve Mammoser, Karla Koebele

Faith Formation:

Coordinator of Religious Education:

Casey Repking

Area Directors:

Tracy Blackwell: St Aloysius (Bishop Creek)

Jesse Jansen: St Joseph (Island Grove)

Liturgy/Spiritual Life:


Buildings and Grounds:




Youth Ministry:

Andy and Maria Zumbahlen

Alan & Teresa Waldhoff

Eric & Emily Brummer

Music Ministry:

Rose Ohnesorge, Valerie Rosa

Council of Catholic Women:

Kelly Frohning - President 

Melissa Ruholl - Vice President

Brenda Kroeger- Secretary

Lexi Niemerg - Treasurer